USMS: All Auburn Masters swimmers must join the national organization,
United States Masters Swimming. USMS membership provides individuals and the club
with insurance coverage, subscription to USMS Swimmer (the official magazine of
USMS), the ability when traveling to swim with other USMS teams across the country,
and is required to compete in USMS swim meets. Membership is $75 on a calendar year
basis. You can register with USMS as a member of the Auburn Masters Swimmers (AMS)
team by going to this link.
Aquatics Center: Masters swimmers need to become members of the
Aquatics Center to use the pool. Please see staff at the Aquatics Center for current
rates. You may pay daily, buy a pass for multiple swims, or buy a pass for a period
of time (e.g., a year). Students automatically are considered members because the Aquatics
Center was built using student activity funds.
Club Dues: All team members pay club dues. Club dues cover the
expenses associated with hiring of coaches and renting pool space at the Aquatics
Center. Students pay $50 per semester and all others pay $135 per semester,
collected at the start of the semester). Fall semester runs from
August 15 to December 31st. Spring semester runs from January 1st to May 15th.
Dues for the three months of Summer term (May 16 to August 14th) dues are based on the same monthly rate.